What is volunteering?


When someone is a volunteer, it means that person gives his or her time and skills to a service, project, or organization in order to give back to those in need and make their community a better place!

Volunteers are not paid and give their time for free simply because it's a good deed to help others! The types of volunteering that people can do are endless! You can volunteer to help plant trees, visit the elderly, collect food for the hungry, pick up trash, weed a vegetable garden, build a playground, and more! (You can even start your own brand-new volunteer project if you see a need!)

Some volunteer projects take place in just one day, while others might occur regularly, like weekly or monthly. People volunteer because it feels good to help out. It also provides lots of opportunities for learning and can even be lots of fun!

by Brian Griffin (Whyzz writer)


Lend a Hand!

Have you ever participated in a volunteer project? If so, what kind of volunteering did you do, and what were your favorite parts about it? Think about some ways in which you could help out in your community. Do you have any special skills that would be helpful to others? For example, if you're a good artist, you could make pretty cards to give out to sick people in the hospital! Have a grown-up help you find some opportunities where you live, and get involved!